• USD - 472.49₸
  • EUR - 515.44₸
  • RUB - 5.41₸
  • BRENT - Err. get data
  • WTI - Err. get data
  • Natural Gas (Henry Hub) - Err. get data

Facilities Management

Facilities Management

Facilities Management

Our Company successfully manages own and customer owned facilities: LMP, Bulk Plants, Waste management facilities etc. 
Examples of such operations are:

TCO (customer owned) LMP operation since 1993


  • 37000 bbl OBM and Base Oil storage facilities
  • 3000 bbl of mixing tanks (OBM, WBM, Brines)
  • 5 mixing stations
  • 42000 ft3 Bulk Plant
  • 2800 bbl Envirocenter for OBM wastes recycle and water separation
  • 24/7 hrs operations, 74 workers (including b2b)

Bautino (Company owned) LMP operations since 2011

  • 22000 llb OBM and Base Oil storage facilities
  • 1500 bbl of mixing tanks (OBM, Brines)
  • 3 mixing stations
  • 33600 ft3 Bulk Plant
  • 24/7 hrs operation, 14-55 workers (including b2b)

Karabatan Waste management and Brine treatment facility operated in period 2015-2020

Zhaikmunai WBM LMP and Waste management facility operated in period 2016-2020

Photo materials